
Die-cast­ing tools, molds, machin­ing fix­tures and many com­po­nents of the cast­ing periph­ery are man­u­fac­tured in our own tool shop and in coop­er­a­tion with exter­nal tool­mak­ers, each ren­der­ing many years of expe­ri­ence, accord­ing to your require­ments or our own specifications.


High Pres­sure Die Casting

The die-cast­ing process is the tech­ni­cal­ly opti­mal solu­tion for supe­ri­or dimen­sion­al accu­ra­cy and sur­face qual­i­ty; it enables low wall thick­ness as well as weight and mate­r­i­al sav­ings. Due to the con­tin­u­ous high pro­duc­tion speed — the fastest way from the melt to the cast­ing — this process is one step ahead of all oth­er cast­ing process­es in terms of efficiency.

For the real­iza­tion of your alu­minum cast­ings by die cast­ing, 4 lines are avail­able in the fol­low­ing machine sizes:

High Pres­sure Die Casting

  • Machine Size: 225t (clamp­ing force: 2.250 kN)
  • Machine Size: 400t (clamp­ing force: 4.200 kN)
  • Machine Size: 500t (clamp­ing force: 5.500 kN)
  • Machine Size: 550t (clamp­ing force: 5.700 kN

All com­mon alu­minum die cast­ing alloys

Weight range:
Die cast­ing: 0,03 kg – 3kg

Medi­um and large series

In high pres­sure die cast­ing, the met­al is trans­ferred by a pis­ton at high speed and under high pres­sure from the cast­ing cham­ber into a two-part metal­lic per­ma­nent mold where it solid­i­fies quick­ly due to the high heat dis­si­pa­tion. The pres­sure is main­tained dur­ing solid­i­fi­ca­tion. Cav­i­ties and under­cuts are formed by fixed or mov­able cores or slides.

  • 44 hydraulic cold cham­ber die cast­ing machines with clamp­ing forces from 225t to 550t
  • 1 30t punch press for
  • 5 cast­ing robots
  • 1 removal robot

Approx. 60’000 — 80’000 cast­ing shots / alu­minum castings.


Per­ma­nent Mold Casting

The grav­i­ty die cast­ing process is used for small to medi­um series, includ­ing prod­ucts with thick­er walls and high­er unit weights.

Grav­i­ty Die Casting

All com­mon alu­minum grav­i­ty die cast­ing alloys

Grav­i­ty die cast­ing: 0.1 – 8 kg

Small and medi­um series

Due to the rapid heat dis­si­pa­tion, grav­i­ty die cast­ings devel­op a fine-grained, dense struc­ture with good mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties. The cast­ings pro­vide high dimen­sion­al accu­ra­cy and sur­face qual­i­ty and require only min­i­mal mechan­i­cal processing.

Like high pres­sure die cast­ing, grav­i­ty die cast­ing belongs to the pre­ci­sion cast­ing process­es. By exploit­ing grav­i­ty, liq­uid met­al is cast into metal­lic per­ma­nent molds, which are divid­ed into two or more parts for allow­ing removal of the fin­ished cast­ing. Cav­i­ties and under­cuts are cre­at­ed by met­al cores. Due to the high ther­mal con­duc­tiv­i­ty of the mold, the melt solid­i­fies very quick­ly, result­ing in a fine-grained struc­ture. Our mod­ern facil­i­ties are linked to the cor­re­spond­ing periph­ery to form par­tial­ly or ful­ly auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion units.

Approx. 20’000 alu­minum cast­ings / mold fills, which can be sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased by high-qual­i­ty tool steels.
Strong­ly depen­dent on the mold mate­r­i­al, the cast­ing met­al and the part geometry.



par­tic­u­lar­ly smooth, clean sur­faces and edges Brass or steel inserts pos­si­ble (threads, bear­ing bush­es, bolts, …)
Pre­ci­sion Cast­ing Process
Piece weights 0.03 — 3 kg
Unit weights 0.1 to 8 kg
for large series > 5.000 parts p.a. for small to medi­um series — from 300 – 5’000 parts p.a.
par­tic­u­lar­ly high productivity man­age­able tool costs
advan­ta­geous for thin-walled components advan­ta­geous for cast­ings with thick­er wall thickness


CNC Machin­ing

Through order-spe­cif­ic fur­ther pro­cess­ing of our alu­minum cast­ings by CNC machin­ing cen­ters, we enable you to obtain ready-to-install com­po­nents “from one source” with­out any fur­ther inter­me­di­ate steps.


Com­po­nent Pro­duc­tion and Assembly

In addi­tion to the com­plete machin­ing of alu­minum cast­ings, we also pro­vide mount­ing of func­tion­al parts to your com­po­nents and/or entire assemblies.

As a mem­ber of glob­al­ly active Angstrom Auto­mo­tive Group, we have access to com­pre­hen­sive resources in engi­neer­ing, met­al pro­cess­ing, qual­i­ty man­age­ment and logis­tics, from which you as our cus­tomer ben­e­fit directly.


Do you have any further

We are hap­py to help.

Give us a call — we are here for you!